Here We Go Again! The Reboot!

ON MY OWWWWWWWNNNNN. Well….not really. I’m not on my own, I’m sure that Lady Smits will pop in here again as we reboot this bad boy and bring it back into the world again. I sure hope, because she is an AMAZING writer and I think that she has a stack of books that need reviews! But, you know how it goes when you hear a snippet of a song, you just have to rock it out!

So, if I’m being honest, I hate having to make a post like this. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve started in life, only for them to get pushed off, either because I was bored, or it was too much work, or something like that. I need to learn consistency a bit better in life, as well as develop a good case of “sticktoittiveness” haha or however in the heck you spell that! Not only when it comes to this blog, but, over everything in life. I’m a notoriously great starter, but, also getting pretty good at stopping all the same.

I noticed a trend recently on my Facebook memories where over the past, eh, 10+ years, a constant post of eating better, exercising, working out, etc has been popping up on an extremely regular basis. It got me to thinking about all I’ve tried so far, with the key word in that being tried. I’d try this supplement, this fad diet, this fad app, over and over and over, but not stick with it. I think the only thing that I did stick with for more than a few days was DDP Yoga, and even that, as I look back, I realize that I only half assed. Maaaaaaaaybe 3/4 assed on the good days. Lady Smits and I bought bicycles, went to a supplement store to step up that supplement game even further, all of this stuff and I still haven’t followed through on what I set out to do.

Now, don’t take this as me belly aching. This is more of a realization of things for myself. One, I need to quit posting all this stuff on Facebook so it stops reminding me HAHAHAHA. No, that is obviously a fun joke. But it did make me realize that I am getting bad about doing some things for the sake of that social media satisfaction more so than actually following through on what I’m posting about. I won’t lie, sometimes likes can be like a drug fix. A few years ago, I was VERY bad about that sort of thing. Granted, I was doing it thinking that I could get involved with wrestling more and that really didn’t work out the way I wanted it to, which caused a few headaches, but I digress, move on and continue with life.

Secondly, it was a sign that I need to reshuffle my priorities to an extent. Now, don’t go thinking weird things about me saying that. No, I am very happy with where things are with Lady Smits, my family, my friends and my job. Those things are a constant, even at times where it seems like we’re not all on the same page, it always manages to work itself out to get back in the right lane. No, the priorities I’m talking about are things like eating better, not letting little things worry me and give me added stress, and my big one, actually pushing myself. I’ll admit that as long as I can remember, I’ve not been a very motivated person to do things. Or, when I am, it only lasts in spurts, which is full circle in a way from what those memory posts reminded me of. Remember when I said I was notorious at being a good starter? Yeah its that whole lack of motivation thing. There are times where I admit to being a little too apathetic for my own good, but then sometimes, its just me being more lazy than I should be. I enjoy shutting down my brain and body, hitting the couch or gaming chair, and not moving. Which, if you think about it, that’s not a horrible thing, necessarily. I think that resting your brain and body is as important as working them out because, much like your arms and legs, if you work them out too much, they will get sore, they will get tired, and they can shut down on you.

So here we are, again. What am I doing different this time around? Well, for one, I’m asking people for workout, diet, and other healthy information, but taking it all to heart and to mind this time around, rather than asking questions, getting answers, but not doing anything about it once I get that information. Its like underpants gnomes, I’m gathering all this stuff, but what am I doing about it from there?

Another thing that is happening is Lady Smits and I bought a gym membership. I had been hinting around about it around the time of my birthday in March and had gone with my friend, and best man in our wedding, Trevor, on a trip with him. It was refreshing, considering how sore I was afterward, once I went through the routine that he showed me. So between March and May, I knocked around the idea, pros and cons, and finally told Lady Smits that I didn’t want gifts but would rather have a gym membership instead. On our anniversary, we went to the gym and I got signed up, but in the time between her giving me the adorable note stating that we would go so I could sign up, she decided that the option of a gym membership sounded great to her as well. That had me exceptionally excited, because I love doing things with my wife, she is truly my best friend, and I felt that if we could get in the gym together and get healthy together, that we’d feel better both mentally and physically. So we went to our local Planet Fitness, got signed up and have been reasonably consistent at it. There was about a month gap in there when I got a stupid summer cold that knocked me down longer than it should have, but, I’ve pretty much always had these darn sinus and allergy problems.

Moving ahead, I’m trying to rewire my brain to a LOT of things. I’ve got bad anxiety that has a pretty firm grip over just about everything I do. Even little things, that seem so silly. Want an example? Say we’re going to a new place, I get so nervous wondering where I need to park, the procedures I need to do to get into a parking lot or parking area for this new location, then once we arrive, where do I go from there? What do I need to have with me? From there, it goes on and on and on to the point that it either makes me tired or sick to my stomach because its gone from “where should we park?” to a full blown “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!” sort of break down. Its not ALL the time, but, its there more often than I want it to be.

Another area of rewiring that I’m working on is my perception of self worth and value. I do have a self deprecating sense of humor at times, I figure that if I can make fun of myself, if someone else wants to, then they’ve gotta try hard to get to me. Which, there in itself is a lie, because I’m pretty insecure. So, insecure, anxiety, all that, its kind of a time bomb with me at times. But, baby steps, right? It worked for Bob Wiley. But, Lady Smits will get on to me (or sometimes even slap my arm) for being overly critical of myself, which I will freely admit to being. I have a bad habit of being the king slacker perfectionist, which is sort of how I got here. I will slack and procrastinate, have done that all my life in school and elsewhere, but then expect the results of my work to be in that realm of perfect. So, I have to learn that I can’t slack and expect amazing results. At 36, learning to be a little less of a slacker sounds like a daunting task, but I think that anything that requires changing habits is going to be that way.

I feel as if I’m rambling about a lot, but, it has been quite some time since I blogged and a lot of these things have been something I’m focusing on, so its fresh on my brain. I think, ultimately, I just want to be a better version of myself. Since I’ve graduated schools (high school and college) I’ve not done a great job of taking care of myself. I have spurts where I’m eating my veggies, I’m being active, things like that, but I think the majority of the time, I’m content with being fairly immobile, eating fast food and not really caring about those choices. I’m doing better about realizing that its taken several years to get to the point where I am now and I shouldn’t expect overnight change. That one was tough to get through and let go of. Couple that with trying to compare 30-something me to spry, teenager me, and I was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I couldn’t do a lot of the same things. But I’ll get there.

Oh, before I forget, something else that I have done recently is invest into Nerd Fitness. Now, I had been following them for quite some time, but they ran a membership special at the start of the year, so I decided to bite and pay for it. There is a great wealth of information behind that pay wall which has benefited, but I think the best part of it was the access granted to their private Facebook page, where the other members come to talk and discuss their own lives and how they are doing. That has helped me considerably, especially with the mindset part of it. For the longest time, I was in denial of having any sort of mental blocks in my way, chalking it up to “well that’s just how I am” or “oh I’m just a weird person” without putting more thought into it. I’m beginning to understand things more, which is, in turn, helping me learn better ways to deal with these things and overcome them. I’ll always be weird, but, at least now I have some tools at my disposal to help me realize when things are getting a little out of hand, which will be able to help me get into a calm frame of mind.

Whew, that sure is a lot of rambling, ain’t it? Maybe I was born a rambling man? Nah, but that song is really awesome. I’ve still got a lot in the ol noggin to talk about that I’ll be throwing out here later on as I get back in the swing of things. I think one of my last posts was in October of 2017 (which, as you may have notice, I’ve taken some posts down while we reboot this bad boy) so that’s nearly two years worth of stuff that’s just waiting to come rushing out of my head like a flood breaching a levee! But right now, I think its safe to say that a little attention to myself will go a long way, not only just for me, but my relationships (family, friends, and work) as well as add some years onto my life. And not just added years, but quality years.

Now that I’ve said all this, and I mean ALL this, what is my plan? For one, go to the gym 3 days a week. There are 7 days in a week, with 24 hours in a day. Every single person on this earth has the same amount of time to do something. If you see people who are in good shape, who are active, who are healthy, they have the exact same 24 hours in a day as I do. Its a priority thing, and now that I’ve realized that I can adjust those priorities, things are starting to make more sense and not seem QUITE as “hard” as I previously made them out to be. I’ve got a program I can stick with that will get me started, I just have to remember to not get too crazy with the weight and focus on the reps. The weight will come in time. Becoming more comfortable at the gym will come along as well, because even though we’ve been members for a few months now, the “gymtimidation” is still strong for me. Which, that goes along with the anxiety and such, but in time, it will calm down. I feel confident in that. I’ve been watching a few health based YouTube channels talking about how they conquered that fear when they first started, and I feel like their stories echo mine.

Something else I’m working on is eliminating words and phrases from my vocabulary. “I’ll try to do that” always leaves it open to NOT do that thing, so, I’m phasing that out of my brain. “I’ll work toward that” is another one that I’m considering doing away with, but at the same time, that still sounds positive at the same time. “I might do that” is another one I’m going to get rid of. I should be better about either saying yes and committing to my response, or knowing to say no. I guess saying “I might” to someone, in my head at least, keeps me from disappointing others. That’s always been something that I worry about and have since I was younger. I don’t want to be a disappointment in any way to anyone and its hard to know when to say no to someone or something. I’m beginning to treat things like appointments. I will always get vehicles to the service center for a service, I’ll always go to a doctor or dentist appointment, why can’t I take care of myself in that same way? I’ve noticed that if I write down something like doing DDP Yoga or going to the gym, my brain gets conditioned to do that thing. I’ve let myself lax on that recently, but I am going to be bringing that method back and getting myself in that sort of routine.

I guess, lastly, comes the hardest struggle for me….eating. I’ve leaned on food for quite some time. The biggest part of it is what I call “mindless” eating, where I eat not because I’m hungry, but because I just want to. I do stress eat, which I won’t lie, I’ve done my fair share of that in my adult life. There’s something about that sweet treat or burger and fries that has always been like a drug for me. You know how in movies and tv when a drug user needs his fix and after getting it lets out that sigh of relief? I’ve literally done that while downing chicken nuggets and fries by the handful. I’m not proud of it but I’ve started to understand it more as of late. Someone told me to take a few minutes and ask myself if its worth it, to which I didn’t fully understand at first, but I think I am beginning to. Will all the fast food make me feel better? It has, but when I question where it fits in with my change of priorities, that phrase of “is it worth it?” makes much more sense. I guess finding something that can help me with the stress that is healthier or more productive to where I’m working to be with my mindset is going to be the key. Maybe I need to start eating apples or celery sticks?

I’ll figure it out, though. Its going to take some work and time, but, like I said earlier (I think I said it, if I didn’t, I meant to anyway) I didn’t get to where I am overnight, so I can’t reverse it that fast, either. I’ve learned that I can’t be an all or nothing person, that has burned me out too fast before, but I also can’t allow myself to get started, then stop, then get upset about stopping, and reverse it by stress eating. THAT is a dangerous cycle, and I have been in it more times than I want. That sort of negative loop is something I’ve done for a while, but after I get out of it and think about it, its silly. I mean, really, all the bad mental things are silly, but they are there and they are present and we have to find ways to deal with it. I did notice that I would get in that loop and one of my ways of trying to get out of it is to say that I wanted to change. But….then I wouldn’t. I think part of it was just this fake justification to make myself feel like I was doing something, but also, it was a bit of a cry for help. I’m not a great self starter. If someone can show me the way, then I get going pretty well from that point. That’s all part of the mental battle, though, and learning how I can take any sort of negative mental thought and feeling and turn it into a positive.

Well, if you made it all the way to the end here, wow you are a brave soul! I feel as if this has been a rather disjointed rambling session. Granted, I’ve had to start and stop on it several times, so if I picked back up on something and its not making sense, then I do apologize. I do need to make this more of a helpful priority for myself as I truly do enjoy blogging and just having this to journal my thoughts. If you have any bits of helpful information, whether it be from a mental or physical standpoint, I encourage you to send them my way! I love to hear how people have made changes in their life and their methods to getting there. Now that this welcome back Kotter type of entry is done, I’m going to plan themes to keep up with pertaining to our interests and hobbies, as well as whatever comes to mind from there! Thanks for tuning in and stick around for more fun coming down the road!

Lady Smits Recommends

I’ve finished my grad school finals for the 2015 Spring Semester, and I have roughly 2 weeks of teaching left in this year. My summer classes won’t start until June 1st, so I’ll probably have a smidgen of time to post.
I’ve been trying, but the writer’s block struggle is real, and I enjoy sleeping far more than I actually should.
With that in mind, I’m surprised I’m up at this hour, seeing as how I went to sleep only a handful of hours ago.
I thought it appropriate, therefore, to pick up this book.


It’s a recent library find that I hadn’t known anything about until last week, even though it was published in 2008. It’s a collection of short stories in which each tells of a protagonist who is (as you could likely guess) up all night. Since it has one of my author loves, Libba Bray, I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to find it.
In the introduction the publisher, Laura Geringer, of Laura Geringer books (at the time a part of Harper Collins, now with Simon and Schuster), briefly describes what’s in store for the reader. She also discusses her love for classic works and short stories. At the end of her entry, she lists 7 short stories that she suggests “may keep you up all night.”
I thought I’d share them as well:

“Nightfall” by Isaac Asimov (free PDF download)
“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell
“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway
“The Dead” by James Joyce
“Night: A Nightmare” by Guy de Maupassant
“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

I’ve read a few of these stories and can only assume that the rest will be of equal high quality.

So, if you’re inexplicably wide awake at an odd hour such as I, or even if you’re simply looking for a good read, give Up All Night (or one of the classic short stories from above) a chance.

As of the time of this post, all hyperlinks are to the subjects and/or titles mentioned and are active. The hyperlinks to the short story titles link to sites which host the work in its entirety.

Until next time!

~ Lady Smits

Lady Smits Adds Fan Page

Due to popular demand (ok, the suggestion of my husband), I’ve created a Facebook fan page. It’s just for me, not for the Talking Smit blog as a whole. That may be created eventually.

I’m currently undergoing the 500 words a day writing challenge for the foreseeable future, and I’m also slowly but surely working on some reviews because…really, that’s the main purpose for me posting.

Anyway, until I get those figured out, please go like my fan page.
Because I’m awesome, and you wanna know all the fun things I have to say.


Link to Lady Smits Facebook page

You know you wanna…

Lady Smits = Excited

This past weekend was our local, annual Comicon. It’s much smaller than some of the big cities’ Comicons, but it doesn’t skimp on excitement. In some ways, I think the smaller ones are better because people have a better chance to interact with vendors, artists, celebrities, and the like, with the potential for some fantastic finds and the opportunity to create new friendships.

As an avid X-Men comic collector, I was thrilled to be able to find a lovely stack of issues to add to my growing collection on the cheap.

I also had a total fangirl moment when I was able to meet John Wesley Shipp. Such a sweetie! Although it was his last meet-up of the con, as he was rushing to make a flight, he took the time to talk to me for a moment. He grasped my hand, and he used his other hand to hand-hug my shoulder, and he trrrraaaailed his fingers down my arm. I giggled like a young school girl and promptly turned into a puddle of goo. My husband and our buddy had to scoop me up off of the floor.
For those who don’t know (which, ya know, shame on you), JWS was the OG Flash in the 90s TV series, and then he was Daddy to Dawson on Dawson’s Creek. Ringing a bell?

Another terrific moment, and the overall purpose of this post, was when I was able to meet local author Breanna Bright. Her debut novel In the End was available for purchase, and I snagged it, along with an autograph. With the stack of books I have on my TBR (to-be-read, if ya don’t know, which – again – for shame), I honestly didn’t think I’d get to it for a while.

However, after a few hours at the con, I was deposited back at the house and let the boys cavort about the area and have their man time. I found the book calling to me. Roughly 48 hours later (would’ve been a shorter amount of time, but life got in the way), I had completed the book.

It was wonderful!

I was able to get in touch with Bright via the wonders of Facebook, and she agreed to an interview with me! So, while I prepare a review, I’ll also be getting a chance to talk to the author of this delightfully creepy take on ye olde haunted house tale. I feel as though calling it a haunted house story doesn’t fully do it justice because I think it’s so much more. However, I’ll save my gushing for the actual review and interview, both of which I’ll post upon completion.


Interested? Check out the info on Amazon, and get a copy for yourself!

Until next time…

~ Lady Smits

Lady Smits Says: No Reviews, But New Books!

Since the end of the school year and my grad school semester is coming up, I’ve had a ridiculous amount of work to complete. I have, however, had a bit of time to acquire a new stack of books.
From the previous duo of which I posted, I was able to get through Midwinterblood, and I will eventually get my review of it posted.
The new stack is all YA and middle grade books, and since I’m posting from my phone, I’m unable to hyperlink the titles/pics, but all of them are available to search via my 2 personal favorite booksellers: Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


The first is a book which my husband recommend I read and review because he think it sounds like one I will enjoy: DUFF by Kody Keplinger. DUFF stands for Designated Ugly Fat Friend, and the author was a teenager when she penned it. It definitely sounds right up my alley.


The second is The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron. This one isn’t new, having come out in 2006, but it’s a Newberry winner, and it’s been a highly contested book since its publication. I’ve read quite a bit about it, and I figured it was time for me to sit down and see what all the fuss was about. Also, reading it and then reviewing it gives me the chance to throw my 2 cents in.


I came across this book when trolling my local B&N. I love all things fairy tale, and The School of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani takes the concept of fairy tale heroes and villains and creates a world where children are chosen to become members of fairy tale worlds and sorted into 2 schools: one for the good, those who are destined to be heroes, princes, princesses, and the like, and the other is for the evil, the ogres, witches, the bad guys. It seemed like an interesting take on how fairy tale folk come to be who they are.
It’s the author’s debut book, and there’s a second one coming out. Oh, and it’s being turned into a movie via Universal Pictures.
So, Chainani wrote a book, and it gets turned into a series and and movie. Whatever, no big. Just living the author dream and such.
*rolls eyes*
Moving on…


The final book in my new stack is Seed by Lisa Heathfield. I’m not gonna lie, it’s kinda creepy. I was able to read an excerpt from NetGalley, but by the time I got around to requesting it, it was already archived, so I trotted out and bought it. The premise reminds me of The Village, along with tales we’ve all heard about polygamist cults. Seed definitely brings something different to the table, and I’m looking forward to sitting down with it and letting the weird just wash over me.
Can you smell the weird?
So, now, I write papers that have absolutely nothing to do with these books (who, btw, keep pouting and calling my name) and take care of a sickly husband who has been beaten half to death by springtime allergies and sinus maladies. I’m glad that pleasant weather has finally decided to show up, but I don’t want it to make me a widow in the process. Geez.

Wish me luck.

Until next time!

~ Lady Smits

Triple Release Day Launch: A Few Words From One Guys Guide to Good Reads

Hey readers, Happy Tuesday! I know it’s a bit late to be posting this now, but three of my favorite authors have NEW RELEASES today and I wanted to help get the word out! Fans of BC Powell, Amy Bartol, and Danielle Paige are definitely in for a treat! Here’s a bit about all three novels releasing TODAY and their purchase links!

Tuesday March 31, 2015 Release Day Launch

The Infinite Expanse by BC Powell
(The Journals of Krymzyn #2)
Publication date: March 31st 2015
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Science Fiction

Evil lurks in the desolate Barrens of Krymzyn. For millions of Eras, predators with insatiable cravings have prowled the wasteland. When a traitor of the Delta enters their realm, the solitary beasts may finally have a leader to unite them.

As a new order emerges in the Barrens, Chase and Sash begin their lives together. While Chase fights to prove he belongs in Krymzyn, the power inside Sash flourishes in ways no one could have imagined. But a vengeance from the wasteland is soon unleashed upon them.

After Chase is trapped deep in the Barrens, his only escape is into the Infinite Expanse. Unaware of the deathly perils that take shape there, he may be lost forever. For Sash to return him from the endless wilderness, she’ll have to harness a mystical energy not seen since the beginning of time.


Sea of Stars by Amy Bartol
(Kricket #2)
Publication date: March 31st 2015
Genres: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy

Eighteen-year-old Kricket Hollowell was looking for her place in the world when she discovered that the universe was bigger—and more dangerous—than she had ever dreamed. Now, whisked across space to the planet Ethar, Kricket learns that her genetic ability to see the future makes her a sought-after commodity…and the catalyst for war between her star-crossed parents’ clans. According to Alameedan prophecy, one house will rise to power and the other will be completely wiped out, and Kricket’s precognition is believed to be the weapon that will tip the scales.

A target of both the Rafe and the Alameeda houses, Kricket finds protection—and a home—in the arms of Trey, her Etharian bodyguard-turned-boyfriend. But her visions of what’s to come disturb her deeply, especially since she must discover whether the gift of foresight will allow her to rewrite the future, or if her fate is as immovable as the stars.


The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige
(Dorothy Must Die #2)
Publication date: March 31st 2015
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy

In this dark, high-octane sequel to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die, Amy Gumm must do everything in her power to kill Dorothy and free Oz.

To make Oz a free land again, Amy Gumm was given a mission: remove the Tin Woodman’s heart, steal the Scarecrow’s brain, take the Lion’s courage, and then Dorothy must die….

But Dorothy still lives. Now the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked has vanished, and mysterious Princess Ozma might be Amy’s only ally. As Amy learns the truth about her mission, she realizes that she’s only just scratched the surface of Oz’s past—and that Kansas, the home she couldn’t wait to leave behind, may also be in danger. In a place where the line between good and evil shifts with just a strong gust of wind, who can Amy trust—and who is really Wicked?


New Books! I’m Excited!

Mr. Smith and I went to visit his family yesterday. We live an hour away from them, so when we go, we try to make it an all day event. They’re a wonderful group of people, and I’m blessed that they’ve accepted me and my wackiness. They’ve not only accepted me as one of their own, but they also genuinely like me…at least that’s the word on the street.

My mother-in-law is fantastic, but she’s the opposite of me in almost every single way. She’s tall and thin, quiet and nice, with light brown hair and intelligent blue eyes. However, we get along famously, and we do have one very important thing in common: our deep and unforgiving love for books.

Upon our arrival yesterday she surprised me by handing over two new books for me to read! As one who loves books as much as I do, I was very excited. Tis no other gift greater for me to be given than a book I have not yet read. I’m really looking forward into delving into these new tales, one of which I have been greatly anticipating. I haven’t been able to get my hands on it until yesterday, but now that I have – oh the joy!

I’ll be working on reviews of these as soon as I’m able to get them completed, which may be a hot minute as my university’s spring break ends soon, and I have to get back to researching and writing numerous papers.

For now, I’ll share covers. As per usual, the pics are also linked to a site (normally Amazon), which will offer more information. Any readers out there have suggestions/requests for books for me to review? Mr. Smith has recently requested a review of Noggin by John Corey Whaley, so I’ll be getting to that one (as well) whenever time and life responsibilities allow.

Here’s the first of the two new books. I’ve already started it, and it is a bit odd and creepy thus far, but I’m digging it.



Amazon is also offering a free sample of Midwinterblood of a bit over 40 pages, downloadable on Kindle. The link to the download can be found here.

The second book I received is relatively unfamiliar to me. However, it’s a fictional tale about the Bronte sisters solving crimes. Who wouldn’t love that?

Always Emily


Author Michaela MacColl also has another mystery story featuring a female classic author: Emily Dickinson. You can find more information on Nobody’s Secret by checking the Amazon site for it here. If I find that MacColl is an author whose voice and storytelling abilities appeal to me, I will be giving it a read.

Until next time, when I hopefully have another review ready, keep reading!

~ Lady Smits

Lady Smits Reviews Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Creatures CoverBeautiful Creatures Manga Cover

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

In the small, Southern town of Gatlin, South Carolina there is not much to do, according to teenage protagonist Ethan Wate. His whole world changes when Lena Duchannes moves to town to stay with her reclusive, albeit infamous, Uncle Macon. Lena belongs to a family of Casters which is like witches and wizards. Caster legend dictates that each Caster is either light (good) or dark (evil), and it is not an allegiance one gets to choose of their own free will. The moon decides whether one is light or dark on the Caster’s sixteenth birthday. Lena is fifteen years old and has both light and dark in her family. Therefore she is obsessed with what her fate will be according to the sixteenth moon.

Ethan is drawn to Lena and her family, partly due to dreams he had of her before they ever met, despite warnings he receives about the dangers of a mortal being with a Caster as well as the fact that Lena and her family is considered to be the weird and trashy family in town. What follows is a love story of Ethan supporting Lena through the issues she faces with her family (light and dark want her for their own), townspeople (they think she is dangerous and want her out of school), and her own feelings and emotions (about being a Caster as well as normal adolescent first-love conflictions). Compounded with the fact that Ethan and Lena can communicate telepathically as well as a dangerous curse that makes this first book in the Beautiful Creatures series intriguing and entertaining.

Kirkus Reviews calls Beautiful Creatures a “smart, textured and romantic Southern Gothic,” and compares the writing style of Garcia and Stohl to that of John Green. The story is told from the point of view of Ethan. I found this interesting because the two authors are adult women writing from the perspective of a love-struck teenage boy. Students who are studying writing style and voice could use this book for comparison to other young-adult tales in which the gender of the author is the same as the main character, or to an author whose voice is similar such as John Green.

I think the story is appropriate for high school aged students because they would be most likely to relate to some of the situations the main characters and their friends face, except for the magic. There are some instances of mild language as well as suggestive language and innuendo. Lena and Ethan behave as most teenage couples and “make-out,” and they lie in each other’s beds, but actual sex is not mentioned. Lena’s cousin is the most evocative of all the characters since she is a Siren, but in this book she is a supporting character, not making her appearance until well into the story. Publishers Weekly thinks that Beautiful Creatures will appeal to those who enjoy “angst-filled teenage romance,” and who better enjoys those stories than those going through it themselves? The publication also mentions the mythology involved in the story, which could start a discussion comparing the world and mythic images of Casters in Gatlin to classic mythology creatures and gods.


Garcia, Kami, Margaret Stohl. Beautiful Creatures. New York: Little, Brown, 2009. Print.

“Beautiful Creatures.” Publishers Weekly 256.46 (2009): 55.

“Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.” Kirkus Reviews, 20 May 2010. Web. 9
Sept. 2014. <>.



For further information and entertainment:

Kami Garcia’s Website and Blog

Margaret Stohl’s Website and Blog

Beautiful Creatures Movie Cover

Read the book, then watch the movie!

Other books in the series:

 Beautiful Darkness Cover

Beautiful Chaos Cover

Beautiful Redemption Cover

The story continues with Ethan’s best friend, Link, and Lena’s cousin, Ridley


Dangerous Creatures Cover




Beautiful Creatures short stories, available only as e-books


Dangerous Dream Cover




Dream Dark Cover

I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to share one of my favorite YA book series.

~ Lady Smits

Lady Smits Reviews Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

Two Boys Kissing Cover

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

David Levithan is an author who usually writes LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexal, transgendered)-friendly stories. Some of his more recognizable works includes Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (with Rachel Cohn), Boy Meets Boy, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with the ever-popular John Green). This tale is no exception, as its main storyline follows a group of gay teenage boys. Harry and Craig are exes who have remained friends and have decided to break the world record for the longest kiss. Tariq is a friend of theirs who has recently been the victim of homophobic violence. Neil and Peter are a long-term couple who end up going to watch the final hours of “the kiss,” which is being broadcast on-line and covered by the local news. Ryan and Avery are experiencing the joys of new romance after meeting at a gay prom. Cooper runs away from home after his parents find him taking part in an on-line gay hookup website. The stories of these young men are watched over and narrated by the “shadow uncles” (pg. 3): men who died during the 80’s and early 90’s of the AIDS epidemic.

Their collective narrative, somewhat similar to the narration in The Virgin Suicides, offers insights to what it was like to be a gay man during that time, and they let readers know how different it is for young gay men today. Some of their proclamations are uplifting, reminding readers to appreciate life, while others are sad. They discuss the cultural implications of being gay in previous generations as well as (sometimes graphic) depictions of fighting a losing battle with AIDS.

“People say that being gay isn’t like skin color, isn’t anything physical. They tell us we always have the option of hiding. But if that’s true, why do they always find us?” (36)

“It killed us, to be picked on, to be ridiculed for being something we weren’t even allowed to be. So many of us first heard the word gay as an insult, an abomination. So many of us were called a faggot before we even knew what that meant. Not all of us – some of us hid so deep that no one could find our weakness.” (164)

Tariq Kyle, in a review from Hypable, states that the uncles’ sometimes seem “overly-preachy,” but also thinks that the story “will leave you emotionally exhausted and absolutely thrilled to have read something so beautiful and unique.” Similar sentiments are expressed by Kirkus: the narration sometimes “weighs down the narrative too much,” but that Levithan’s work is “inspiring” with “genuine moments of insight and wisdom.”

The book was published in the late summer of 2013, and by February of 2014, a parent had already requested it be removed from a school library bookshelf. The parent’s appeal did not seem to stem from the LBGT (also referred to as LBGTQ, the Q being queer or questioning) theme of the book, but rather the references to kissing or sexual acts, of which there are 117. She counted. The librarians of the school commented that they had chosen the book based upon the positive reviews they had read, and because they wished to offer students materials which would appeal to varied interests. Levithan’s book, whose title came from the Walt Whitman poem Two Boys Together Clinging, was named on the 2013 National Book Award Longlist and was also a Stonewall Honor Book in 2014. During April of 2014, when a hearing of whether or not the book would be removed from the Virginia’s Fauquier County Public Schools, Two Boys Kissing was listed among the top 100 fiction and literature for teens via Those accolades also affected the librarians’ decision to include the book. During the hearing, which included a letter from the National Coalition Against Censorship, a letter from the author, and comments from the public, the school’s committee decided to keep the book (Chung).

While not a member of the LGBT(Q) community, I have loved ones who are. I have been witness to some of their efforts and been part of their personal stories, so this book really spoke to me. There were a few friends of whom I was reminded during reading this story, as they really struggled with their sexual identities and coming out. I wish I would have had this book to share with them. It is my opinion that any young man battling issues of identity in this manner should not have to do it alone, and that they should read this book. Kirkus suggests that Two Boys Kissing is appropriate for readers aged 14 and up, and I agree because it has been my understanding that at around age 14 is when teens really try to start answering the question “Who am I?” I could see this book being used with a group of students who are studying human rights, as gay marriage is a largely debated topic, as part of a human sexuality course, or even sociology. The work may also be compared and contrasted to similar real-life events, like hate crimes perpetuated against homosexuals, or the story of Matty Daley and Bobby Canciello who broke the real Guinness World Record for longest continual kiss in 2010 (Levithan, 197).


For More Information

David Levithan’s website:

The Story of Matty and Bobby:

Full story of the request to ban Two Boys Kissing from School Library Journal: AND

We Two Boys Together Clinging poem by Walt Whitman:

“We Two Boys Together Clinging” painting by David Hockney, also an inspiration for the book:


Two Boys Together Clinging painting


We Two Boys Together Clinging

by Walt Whitman

We two boys together clinging,
One the other never leaving,
Up and down the roads going, North and South excursions making,
Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching,
Arm’d and fearless, eating, drinking, sleeping, loving.
No law less than ourselves owning, sailing, soldiering, thieving,
Misers, menials, priests alarming, air breathing, water drinking, on
the turf or the sea-beach dancing,
Cities wrenching, ease scorning, statutes mocking, feebleness chasing,
Fulfilling our foray.


Chung, Sandy. “Request to Ban ‘Two Boys Kissing’ from Virginia High School Library Denied.” School
Library Journal. WordPress, 29 Apr. 2014. Web. 1 Dec. 2014. <

Kyle, Tariq. “Book Review: ‘Two Boys Kissing'” Hypable. Ed. Karen Rought. Hypable, 23 Aug. 2013. Web.
1 Dec. 2014. <

Levithan, David. Two Boys Kissing. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013. Print.

“Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan.” Kirkus Reviews, 26 June 2013. Web. 9 Sept. 2014. http://www.>.


~ Lady Smits

Lady Smits Reviews This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales



This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

There are so many things that I could say about this book. It is a tale both incredibly depressing yet ultimately uplifting. I found so many lines, of the main character’s thoughts, feelings, and words with which I identified. High school was very hard for me, and until this book I had never found an author who captured that tortuous time so succinctly. At times I wanted to clutch the book to my chest lovingly while also suppressing the urge to hide it under my pillows so I would not have to look at it anymore.

Adolescence is not easy, especially for Elise Dembowski. A social pariah, she studies everything she can so she can be “cool.” When her attempts fail, she decides suicide is her only option at ending all of the taunting and rejection with which she deals daily at the hands of her peers. After a failed “practice” attempt goes horribly awry, she spends her nights walking around the town in which she lives. It is during one of these walks that she stumbles upon an underground dance club. Drawn to the music and bright lights, she meets a group of people who help and save her by being her friends. She also begins learning how to DJ, unearthing a passion and talent she never knew she had. Eventually her two lives (student and star underground DJ) collide, and Elise must deal with the repercussions.

Kirkus Reviews say that Elise’s journey is “compelling,” and that she is “a remarkably self-aware character.” An example of this can be seen in the quote below, the actual design taken from the Quote Roundup section of Mac Teen Books.




The Gateway Award is for books which are appropriate and of interest to high school aged students. Although some, who are more conservative, may balk at the thought of students reading a story about a girl who had suicidal thoughts, sneaks out of her house, has a relationship with an older boy, and continuously lies to cover her tracks to be wildly inappropriate, I believe book is a realistic view of teen life. I think there are a large number of teens who feel as though they are being bullied by their peers and struggle to make it through adolescence relatively unscathed. I agree with The Horn Book Magazine’s review that the story and dialogue is authentic and that Sales has created an “insightful celebration of individuality.” Regardless of your experience in high school, do yourself a favor, and read this book.

Please forgive the formatting of the resources I collected to create this review. I’m still new to this whole WordPress thing, and creating properly formatted citations section is a bitch. Thanks.

“This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales.” Kirkus Reviews, 26 June 2013. Web. 9 Sept. 2014

< this-song-will-save-your-life/>.

“Quote Roundup: This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales | Mac Teen Books.” Mac Teen Books RSS.

7 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. <


Sales, Leila. This Song Will Save Your Life. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2013. Print.

Smith, Rachel L. “This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales.” Horn Book Magazine, Sept. /Oct. 2013:

  1. Print.


The link below will take you to DJ Elise’s personal song list,
copied from the back of the book. 

Recommended Listening

Until next time!

~ Lady Smits